5 need-to-knows about Mississippi River Nutrient Pollution in 2019 and how you can help

5 need-to-knows about Mississippi River Nutrient Pollution in 2019 and how you can help Nutrients are essential for life, right? Yes. So, what’s the issue? What do you mean nutrient pollution? Nutrient pollution is what we are seeing in our waterways today. It’s...

Multi-Benefits of Natural Infrastructure

Multi-Benefits of Natural Infrastructure Natural infrastructure, or green infrastructure refers to natural river system elements like wetlands, marshes, swamps, and floodplains. The ground in these areas resembles a spongy texture, that allows water to be absorbed....

The Lower Mississippi’s Meandering Miles

The Lower Mississippi’s Meandering Miles Words by Mark RiverPhotos by Keith Benoist “Pasted Graphic” — photo by Keith Benoist There are many iconic natural wonders in this world that have been explored, documented, and conquered by many walks of life. These wild...