Can The River Count On You?
Here’s how to get involved:
Take the River Days 2023 Action Now!
Take the River Days 2023 Action Now! Join the movement of everyday people from across the country speaking up for our Mississippi River as part of River Days of Action June 8 - 18th, 2023. This year’s River Days advocacy opportunity calls on Congress to increase...
upcoming events
From local River clean-ups to public meetings with River decision makers, check out the 1 Mississippi calendar for upcoming events and ways to get involved.
We believe our impact is greater together. The more connected we are to the River, the more we can take action for a healthy Mississippi River for people, land, wildlife, and water.
Join our
And Get a Free E-book!
When you sign up as a River Citizen you’ll receive our newsletters and updates, which offer events, activities, and actions you can take to help protect the Mississippi River.
You’ll also get our free e-book, Scenes From Our Mighty Mississippi, an inspiring collection of images featuring the River.
10 Actions you can take now
1. Spread the word about
1 Mississippi
Forward our newsletter, join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter and encourage others to participate in the movement by signing up to be a River Citizen at
2. Connect with the River
Take a canoe trip, visit a nature center or attend a riverside festival. Since we protect what we know, get out and experience the Mighty Mississippi for yourself. Find year round River events near you at
3. Volunteer for the River
Many hands make light work and volunteers often turn ideas into reality. River cleanups, tree plantings and restoration work days directly affect your community and create free memories with family and friends. Email for volunteer opportunities in your area!
4. Pick up garbage and pet waste to reduce pollution and harmful run off into the River
Heavy rains flush pollution into the storm drains, much of which flows directly into rivers. We can beautify our communities and prevent River pollution at the same time by simply bringing a bag and picking up trash on neighborhood walks.
5. Choose native plants for yards
Native plants are accustomed to the conditions where you live, can prevent invasive species from spreading, preserve community heritage and support local pollinators, butterflies and birds.
6. Contact Congress through the 1 Mississippi Action Center
Remind them the health of the River is inseparable from the strength of our economy and communities. Remember, these elected officials answer to you. Never underestimate the power of your voice. Take me to the Action Center!
7. Reduce the use of lawn and garden fertilizers containing phosphorous and nitrogen
When these excess nutrients enter rivers and streams, they promote algae growth, depleting oxygen in the water and endangering aquatic life. The result is a Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico that wreaks havoc on the ecosystem and threatens the fishing industry.
8. Support sustainable agriculture practices, policies and people who promote healthy soil
Sustainable farming prevents soil erosion taking care of the land for future generations. Use your dollars to encourage local farmers who integrate responsible farming techniques.
9. Protect valuable local wetlands from harmful development
Speak up at public forums and describe the essential role wetlands play in ecosystems and our communities. They provide critical habitat, filter pollutants and protect our homes and businesses by acting as a giant sponge, absorbing excess rainwater and reducing flooding. Read more here.
10. VOTE! Be heard
Elected officials make important decisions that affect our River. Learn about your local and national leaders’ voting records and hold them accountable for making our River their priority. Everyone should be held responsible for their actions.
1 Mississippi Events
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Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Step 1
Become a River Citizen
Yes! The River can count on me!
I am committed to protecting the Mississippi River. Please keep me informed about actions I can take to protect the Mississippi River as a River Citizen, and send me my free e-book!, Scenes From Our Mighty Mississippi!
Step 2
We protect what we know and love. As a River Citizen, you’ll receive our email newsletter and updates, which offer countless ways to engage with and learn more about the River. You can also follow us on Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter) , and YouTube, where we share about urgent issues facing the River, such as nutrient pollution, the importance of floodplains and wetlands, and bedrock legislation such as Farm Bill Conservation Programs.
Step 3
Take Action
There are many ways you can jump in and take action for a healthy Mississippi River. Our 10 actions list includes simple steps you can take at any time and wherever you are. Check out our action center for current action alerts, bigger projects we are working on, and ways to get involved.